Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ansel Adams--Photographer

I like the work of Ansel Adams because he takes beautiful photographs of nature and  well-known American landmarks. Not only is he gifted in color images, he is also very versatile with black-and-white photography. Lighting is on point, scenes are always inviting (of nature scenes), and of the ones I've seen, they are all fit for use as postcards, as well as framed simply and put on a wall as an accent piece.

Adams helped found the department of photography at the Museum of Modern Art, and later was awarded two fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to photograph America's national parks.


  1. I have not seen a great deal of his colour work. When I think of Ansel Adams I think black and white.

    These images are quite rich.

  2. Make me want to see more of the landscape!
